Welcome to Hawken Project!

This blog is where you will be sharing your thoughts, ideas, impressions etc. about your Project experience. What you should do: 1. post a substantial blog three times a week (minimum 200 words on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday). 2. Respond thoughtfully to another post on this site (one minimum per week). If you are working as part of a group, each of you is expected to contribute individually and regularly to this blog. Happy blogging and happy Project experience to all of you!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Great First Two Days

The first two days of project with my partner, Brandon has been productive and pretty fun! We are in the process of making a documentary about, “Making a Documentary”. In essence, we want to understand how influential documentaries can be toward people and why they have becomes so popular as of late. On our first day, Brandon and I set up an amateur studio in his basement consisting of a professional studio light, tripod with an HD camera set in front of a stool where the subjects sit and a reflector to take away shadows. So far, it’s looking pretty sweet. We also watched our first two documentaries today and those were Blackfish and Food Inc.  After watching the two films, we recorded our reactions by reflecting on what we watched and what structure was used in making the documentary. We found that while they both pertained to corruption of a certain business, they were structured in different ways, which we’ll highlight in our own documentary. While today, Brandon and I did some more hand-on work by going to Hawken and interviewing both students and teachers about their own views on documentaries; like why do they watch that genre of documentary? We were surprised on the different varieties people like to watch and how powerful they were on that individual.  All in all, a great two first days and tomorrow we meet with our sponsor to discuss more ideas of the documentary, and maybe also watch one of the movies he recommended to us. We’ll have to wait and see! 


  1. Awesome start, Joey. I'm looking forward to hearing more about the project and what you two are discovering in-process. Also, documentary film recommendations would be an added bonus. Let us know what you think of the films you're watching.

  2. I am really impressed that you managed to set up an amateur studio! I would love to hear more about how Hawken students feel about documentaries. Although i have done little documentary watching, I am under the impression that they have a profound effect on individuals. I am excited to learn more about them through your blogposts!
