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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hashtags and Collisions

 Our marketing/social media proposal was an utter success!

 Some of the new hashtags promotions that we created will be instrumental in making SWERVE customers aware of its programs and perks. For example, #SWERVEfriend (a promotional hashtag) will remind customers of SWERVE’s referral program. If such hashtags create a trend, or become predominantly associated with SWERVE, business will increase.

#SWERVEjourney, #SWERVEteering, #iSWERVEfor, and #SWERVEfam, are among a few of the other hashtag promotions we envisioned being helpful in promoting SWERVE and its founding principles.

We have further developed the idea of creating a more sociable environment for the studio before and after cycling classes.

In observing the business models of other businesses and companies, Amanda and I observed a collision between product and experience. For example, Starbucks’ high premium is not only due to superior coffee quality, but also because of the social experience sold with the cup. SWERVE already has a social aspect intrinsically part of its business model: the friendly, team competition, which is bred in the darkness and intensity of the spinning studio. In engaging customers after each class, SWERVE’s already one-of-a-kind value proposition will acquire an even more attractive spin.

Perhaps after-spin snacks and drinks at SWERVE’s smoothie bar could act as a forum for ‘team’ interacting and socializing. More to come on this idea later.

Written May 26, 2014

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